How useful are Google Posts to SMBs?

Businesses in the 21st century rely on a strong digital presence to keep up with the competition. There’s a new tool that helps with just that: Google Posts. Read on to learn its potentially game-changing capabilities and when SMBs can expect to get a piece of the action. What they can do Google Posts basically […]

How Windows 10 plans to defeat ransomware

The recent WannaCry and Petya ransomware attacks have caused massive disruptions for Windows users. Although ransomware infection has slowed down in the past few weeks, many experts are saying that this is only just the beginning. Soon, newer and far more dangerous strains of malware will be developed. To help people defend against these threats, […]

Why Nyetya is more threatening than WannaCry

The WannaCry ransomware, which infected 200,000 business globally and made over $100,000 in ransom payments, is said to be one of the worst cyber attacks in history. However, a new ransomware strain named Nyetya is shaping up to be a more formidable security threat. It has already affected businesses globally, and security firms and researchers […]

Automate mundane emails to get more done

Everyone wishes there were more minutes in a day. Between repetitive emails and seemingly endless meetings, it’s hard to find time for important tasks. Thanks to the increasing affordability of enterprise-level IT however, SMBs can start getting at least half of those problems under control with email automation. What is email automation? Usually included in […]

Ad blocker is coming to Chrome

Pop-up ads and videos can easily turn people away from a website. Google knows this and has come up with a solution set to launch early next year. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about Chrome’s ad blocker. What is it? Ad blocker from Chrome actually works like an ad filter, […]

Android features you won’t find in iOS 11

Apple’s iOS 11 will be released later this year, but many Android users might not willingly trade in their device for an iPhone. Even with its key productivity features like Files, drag-and-drop functionality, a more enterprise-friendly user interface, and sleek new design changes, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system is missing a few […]

How 5G data will change VoIP

Our craving for data seems to increase every year, fueling the constant advancements in wireless technology. The latest is 5G, an abbreviation for the fifth-generation wireless systems, and it is set to transform VoIP for the better. Here are three ways it will do that. Improved video conferencing The major factor holding web and video […]

Why is Windows XP getting updates?

Microsoft products usually have an end-of-support date, where no more feature updates and security patches will be offered. However, earlier this month, Microsoft has released a security update for Windows XP, an operating system that has been unsupported since 2014. Although releasing a patch for an old system seems unusual, Microsoft does have its reasons.

Wikileaks details router vulnerabilities

When we write about how antivirus software isn’t enough to keep you safe from malware, it’s not just scare tactics. There are so many ways hackers can break into your system that antivirus solutions will never catch. For a real-world example, look no further than the router exploit kit recently leaked from the CIA. The […]