
Disaster recovery myths you can dismiss

Technology changes so rapidly. With disaster recovery (DR), we see business owners clinging to ideas that no longer apply. What kind of DR myths are still widely accepted by the masses? Here are three that need to be retired immediately.  Tape backups are the best DR solution Backup tapes are physical objects that deteriorate over […]

5 tricks you can do with Android and Chrome

Using a Google account across your devices makes many things like email, web browsing, and managing your calendar a lot more convenient. Here are five tricks you might not yet know you can do when you sync Chrome with your Android phone. Send directions from Google Maps to your Android phone While Google Maps works […]

Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

The volume of malicious cyber attacks is increasing every year. Although many companies use the latest network security systems, they aren’t immune to the hackers’ favorite strategy — social engineering. Unlike malware, social engineering tricks people into volunteering sensitive data.

Irate customers? VoIP features can calm them

When customers call your help desk, one of the first things they hear is your automated on-hold message. This message can either uplift or worsen their moods, so you should choose wisely. Follow these simple steps to ensure you don’t frustrate your customers more than they already were.

3 Microsoft Excel tips to master

Every computer user must be well-versed in various office programs, including Microsoft Excel. If you only know a few basic commands, you haven’t fully mastered Excel. Here are a few features that can make your life easier. Pie and Sunburst Charts Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong […]

3 Tips on managing Windows 10 notifications

Microsoft has equipped Windows 10 users with a comprehensive set of tools to get their action center settings under control. Unfortunately, most desktops come with an abundance of software and features that result in more notifications. If you’ve reached the point of oversaturation, these three tips can help you better manage your action center.