The true cost of an ugly website

We are taught never to judge a book by its cover. But in this superficial age, looks are everything, especially for websites. Your website is a customer’s first impression of your business, and if it doesn’t wow them, you’re losing money. Follow these best practices so you don’t end up in that situation.

What are order management systems?

Adding value to your organization is very different than it was a few decades ago. Whereas business owners previously sought more tangible boosts like equipment and staff, cloud technology has totally changed the game. Now, a single piece of software is all it takes to totally revolutionize your fulfillment and shipping process.

Better Squarespace analytics for ecommerce

There are quite a few content management systems (CMS) available for small and medium sized businesses to market themselves on the internet, all working to maximize the value of their features and eliminate gaps in service. One of these, Squarespace, has made a big splash with the addition of their ecommerce analysis functions. When choosing […]