Most iPhone & iPad users are usually happy with their device, but there are a few who want to install apps that are not on the App Store and even change the performance of their device outside of what Apple allows. The only way to do this is through jailbreaking.
Why jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad is a bad idea
6 Compelling reasons to not jailbreak your iPad
For most users, the iPad is fantastic just as it is. It’s easy to use and there are myriad apps and content available to download from the App Store. But there are people who aren’t too happy with the restrictions that Apple imposes on how they can control and customize their device.
Got a new MacBook? Here’s what you need to do first
The 2020 MacBook models boast of a new processor that promises a longer battery life and better speed. Plus, they offer the ability to run iPhone and iPad apps. But before you start using your new device, make the following tweaks to ensure even better performance and functionality.
Ways to secure your Apple devices
It is widely believed that Apple computers and devices are highly secure and can’t be touched by malware and viruses. While there are fewer security threats to Macs, iPhones, and other Apple gadgets compared to Windows and Android machines, Apple devices are also vulnerable.
Introducing macOS Catalina
With its big launch this Fall, macOS Catalina is creating quite a buzz in the world of computing. Many Mac users can’t wait to upgrade their devices to the next-gen operating system and enjoy its exciting new features. Here are some of the things you can expect from Catalina.
Keeping Facebook and Twitter safe from hackers
Keep your guard up! Pranksters, malicious attackers, and hackers come in different forms, but they are all after your online privacy and security — especially on social media. There are several things you can do to protect your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The risks of jailbreaking your iPad
While the iPad and other Apple devices allow you to download and install literally millions of apps, they don’t exactly leave much room for customization. Jailbreaking lets you fully customize your iPad by enabling you to install third-party apps on your device.
First look: macOS Catalina’s exciting features
macOS Catalina is the 16th major release of Apple’s operating system. Set for rollout in late September 2019, it offers a raft of useful new features and improvements that will give users a better experience. Here’s a quick look at some of them. Music, Podcast, and Apple TV apps At the 2019 Worldwide Developers Conference […]
5 settings every new iPad owner should change
Apple’s iOS has been through countless updates over the years. It’s hard to keep up with all the new features and settings, so we don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed with how to set up a new iPad. Although every user has different preferences, there are at least five configurations most people can agree on.
Safeguard your iPhone from phishing
Phishing scams have been around for years, and they’ve gotten smarter with time. Recently, criminals have been targeting iPhone users through a voice phishing scam that makes the call appear like it’s coming from Apple Support. Fortunately, there are simple but effective tips so you don’t fall prey to this notorious scheme.