If you’re getting targeted with surprisingly relevant ads, there’s a chance your internet activity is being tracked and analyzed by market researchers. While this doesn’t bother most people, private browsing mode can offer you some protection against online marketers and data thieves.
Does private browsing secure your data?
The dangers of the web and how to stay safe
You probably go to great lengths to keep yourself safe, whether at home or in public. But what happens when you get online? Learn more about how you could be exposing yourself and your personal information over the internet so you can stay safe. With the headlines about data breaches and cyberattacks greeting you every […]
Can private browsing keep you safe?
Privacy is a precious commodity in this era. Every website you visit or app you download leaves a digital footprint that can be tracked by anyone. Fortunately, major web browsers all offer private browsing features to keep your internet activity somewhat safe from prying eyes.
Google Chrome gets new features
Google releases a new version of Chrome almost every month. Some updates involve minor bug fixes and improvements, while others feature many more exciting additions. For its latest release, version 57, Google announced some serious upgrades to Chrome, and here are the three we think you’ll be most interested in.
Browser showdown: which one is right for you?
Back when Internet Explorer was competing against Netscape, users had far fewer things to consider. Nowadays, some users do nearly all their work inside of a web browser, and they have far more options about which program to use. If you’ve ever questioned whether there might be a better way to browse the web, we’ve […]
New, native ad blocker coming to Opera
Ads are becoming increasingly intrusive on today’s web browsers. They can slow down the load time of pages, and cause potential security and privacy issues. So it’s no surprise that ad blockers are becoming more and more popular. However, as they do, they’re also cutting into the revenue of online advertisers. With the upcoming release […]