Power outages are a huge inconvenience to businesses. They can lead to lost productivity and revenue, and they can cost you a lot in damages. That’s why it’s important for businesses like yours to invest in an uninterrupted power supply (UPS). Let’s take a closer look at some of the key reasons why every business […]
Don’t let a power outage cripple your business — invest in a UPS
Simple tips to prolong your iPhone’s battery life
6 Crucial battery-saving tips for iPhone users
There’s nothing worse than having a low iPhone battery when you’re working remotely without an outlet nearby. Luckily, there are several tips you can use to add a few more hours to your battery life. Here are six that prove invaluable. 1. Activate Low Power Mode Low Power Mode can be activated with a single […]
Gear up your network equipment with UPS
During a power outage, responsible business owners use emergency power to keep desktop computers from unexpectedly shutting down. While that’s certainly a good strategy for keeping machines operational and preventing data loss, there’s something else you can do to ensure that your staff remains productive while weathering a storm: uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for networking […]
Get more life out of your iPhone battery
You’re on the go today – out of the office, out of the house, and attending a business event. Everything is going fine and dandy until you look down at your phone to see your worst nightmare come true. Your iPhone is at 25 percent battery life. Before you panic, know that the answer to […]
Why a UPS is necessary for network equipment
Fire, flood, storms, and other disasters can lead to power failure and productivity loss. Using uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for computers ensures you never lose unsaved work, but without internet, you’re practically crippled. To avoid that dilemma, we highly recommend using UPSs for your networking equipment, including cable modems, wireless access points, and routers.
How to ensure a smooth iPhone iOS update
On March 22, Apple rolled out iOS 9.3. While many iPhone users are likely to have already upgraded to the new iOS, there are undoubtedly some who have yet to update. Regardless, there are some tried and true methods to ensure a successful update to your iOS, whether it be to this version or a […]
Tips to extend your iPhone battery life
We’ve all been there. Your iPhone battery is under the fifty percent mark and you won’t be anywhere near an outlet for the next few hours. So what do you do? How can you ensure your iPhone won’t die in the meantime? Well, there are few settings you can adjust to add a few more […]